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Sterility Test Filter Holder

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Sterility Test Filter Holder

Short Description
Model is used for sterility testing of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals. Microbiological analysis of retained particles. Yeast and mold detection. Waste water and particulate contamination analysis. Vacuum filtration of solvents and aqueous solutions.

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Air Gas Regulators, Air Regulators, Aluminium Powder Coated Casing, Analytical Instruments, Ball Valve, Braided Copper Link With Lug And Without Lug, Chromatography Instruments, Cylinder Manifolds, Cylinder Trolleys, Double Stage Gas Regulator, Electrical Insulating Fiber Glass Sleeving, Electrical Insulating Tapes, Epoxy And Polyester And Tubing, Fiber Glass Cables, Fiber Glass Sleeving Braided (Unvarnished), Filtration Manifold, Gas Control Box, Gas Cylinder, Gas Cylinder Cabinets, Gas Cylinder Trolleys, Gas Handling Accessories, Gas Manifold Machinery, Gas Manifolds, Gas Mixtures, Gas Needle Valves, Gas Pressure Regulator, Gas Purification Panels, Gas Regulators, Gas Sampling, Gas Sampling Bottle, Gas Valves, Helium Pycnometer, High Pressure Auto Changeover, High Pressure Cylinder Change Over Manifolds, High Pressure Cylinder Manifold, High Pressure Gas Cylinder, Industrial Gas Cylinder, Laboratory Gas Handling Machinery, Low Pressure Auto Changeover, Lpg Regulators, Multi Cylinder Units, Needle Valve, Nitro E Vap, Nuts And Ferrules, Panel Regulator, Photo Spectro Meters, Pressure Gauge, Pressure Regulators, Process Gas Handing Machinery, Purging Machinery, Regulators For Gases, S S Regulators, S. S. Oxytraps, Sampling Bottles, Selection Regulators, Single Stage Gas Regulator Panel, Specialty Gas Regulators, Spectro Photo Meters, Sterility Test Filter Holder, Teflon Tube, Toggle Valve, Traps, Tubing (S. S), Valves For Gas Cylinders, Visco Meters, Water Jet Cutting Machine, Wire Braided Hose (S. S), Wire Braided Pigtail (Ss), Zero Air And Nitrogen And Nitrogen And Air Generator, PRECISION ENGINEERING, LAB FURNITURE, LABORATORY INSTRUMENTS, GENERATORS AND AIR DRYERS, CHROMATOGRAPHY CONSUMABLES, MICROFILTRATION, GAS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM